Friday, October 18, 2013

Seriously Serious

I came to the realization today that I take myself WAY too seriously.

Yesterday the clerk at the costco register was joking around with the busy customers, making rhymes about peoples' groceries. She was having so much fun, it was infectious! And the craziest part was that she was being trained! I would have been nervous!

Today I went to the post office and stood second in line for 30 minutes. I was feeling stressed when I looked back at the line behind me. Everyone was dead silent looking straight ahead. Then I thought about the clerk from the day before. She was choosing to have fun and be silly when everyone around would have otherwise stayed in a funk.

 I'm not sure why this is so profound to me, but it seems to be the root of so many of my problems! Road rage, insecurity, anxiety, embarrassment, bitterness, fear, feelings of inadequacy, perfectionism, pride, hurt feelings, self-focus, pressure of expectations...all I have to tell myself is, "stop taking yourself so seriously!" And these feelings vanish! 

Maybe it has something to do with Grace. I have more for myself, so I have more to offer? 


I will have to think more about this.