This morning I had jury duty. Yes. 19 days before my wedding. I have never served on a jury so I didn't know what to expect. But, it wasn't much different than I thought. Cranky people who don't want to be there. The most "educated" of all of them make SURE to loudly proclaim why they should not have to be there, because they are a dentist, or a retired lawyer, or a manager of 35 workers.
It entailed a lot of sitting around. I had to be there early because of the whole car-sharing thing. I got released by 11:30 because of "economic hardship," which is actually a legitimate excuse. I'm only getting about 6 hours a week, and without that I will not be able to pay rent.
Petra picked me up and we went to go jump start her car battery. When we got there we realized her back window was busted in. Someone had broken in to her car sometime between 2am and noon. We called the cops and they said they would not come out because they are too short staffed. Beautiful...
Petra and I picked Jason up from Table Mountain around four. We almost got in an accident in the garage. Both cars skidded. I hate that feeling after adrenaline.
Caleb picked me up after 430 for our chiropractic appointment at 5. We almost hit a trash can lid, then a trash can that someone lost from their truck on the way there. I have never done the chiropractic thing. I popped a lot! I felt SO much taller afterward. :)
We went to Chipotle for dinner. I love chipotle.
After that we went and picked up two of our Young Life kids for club. They make me laugh a lot. One is named Anthony, and the other is Chris, but he goes by "Beaver," which I guess is his middle name.
Twenty minutes later we arrived at club. Christen Morrow was there!!! I was SO happy to see her.
Club was a "hang-out night" so we just did games. There were a couple of new boys, and they made me laugh. One of them had brought his "robo-kitty" named Sophie.
After club my body started aching. I think there was too much adrenaline in this day...that and I think there is too much lactic acid in my body from the shocker machine at our appointment.
I could really use a hot bath. SO glad I don't have jury duty tomorrow!
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